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    The importance of Spay and neuter your pets

    • Puppies may be cute, but too many of them is a tragedy.

    The implementation of sustainable programs of sterilization and castration is the most effective way of addressing the population of dogs and cats that they have exceeded the capacity of the local community to ensure they properly.

    Reasons for sterilization / castration of animals

    Spay/neuter benefits animals and the communities in which they live for different reasons, including:

    Spay/neuter slows the growth of the population

    Without initiatives of Spay and neuter, homeless animals are often slaughtered, abandoned or killed by disease. Sterilization is fundamental to the management of overpopulation and concerns about disease control.

    A program of spay/neuter well executed and combined with vaccination campaigns provides a compassionate and effective way to reduce the number of animals living in the streets, and improve the health of those who are already there. The sterilization of them dogs Street and its return to its territory in the street allows a reduction natural of their population through the time and leaves them dogs more socialized in them streets. We have found that the public has a vision more favorable of these dogs already sterilized and vaccinated (identifiable through an incision in the ear or other brand) and so the humano-perro interaction improves.

    Pet sterilization prevents them from contributing to the problem of overpopulation of street animals.

    The sterilization / castration reduces behaviors undesirable related with the hormones

    Females have no hormonal cycle; This eliminates unwanted dogs male attraction and approach.

    The instinct of wandering is greatly reduced; male dogs, especially those used for security, are less given to away is of the property of its owner if not have the impulse hormone of Chase to a female in zeal. In this way, they can serve better as care dogs, they may be untethered and are less prone to disease or injury. The dogs neutered actually may be more protective, since they are not distracted with the temptations of childbearing, wander or fight with other males.

    Reduces the need for males by mark territory.

    The sterilization / castration reduces the risks of health for the animals themselves

    There are several conditions of health potentially fatal and diseases communicable that those animals can collapse or develop as result of not be operated and of the reproduction; for example pyometra, the TVT or those cancers in organ players. These risks are eliminated when the animal is sterilized or neutered.

    In general, animals that have been sterilized at an early age to live long and healthy lives, potentially increasing their hopes of life between one and three years on average between three and five years for cats and dogs.

    Sterilization / castration is profitable

    To the sterilized / castration to your pet you are saves the cost of care to them future litters. Also reduces the chance that your pet needs veterinary treatment for injuries occurring to wander and fight with other dogs.


    We present here the truth behind some myths commonly heard about spaying and neutering.

    Myth: My pet must have a litter / zeal before sterilization.

    Fact: The evidence medical indicates just the opposite. In fact, the evidence shows that sterilized before her first estrus females are usually more healthy.

    Myth: Spay/neuter is unnatural and is a nuisance to the animal.

    Fact: The domestication of animals took out them of the "natural order" and handed over responsibility for your care to humans. Applied human emotions to animals is not realistic. The surgery is routine; It is fast and short recovery and improves the health of the animal.

    Myth: Desire that my dog is protective.

    Fact: It is naturally instinctive for a dog to protect your home and your family. The personality of a dog is more determined by Genetics and the environment they live by the sex hormones.

    Myth: Do not want that my dog or cat male will feel less male.

    Fact: Pets do not have any concept of sexual identity or ego. Sterilization will not change the basic personality of a pet. They not suffer any kind of reaction emotional or crisis of identity when are sterilized.

    Myth: My pet will become fat and lazy.

    Fact: The truth is that pets become obese and lazy because their owners feed them too much and do not provide them enough exercise.

    Myth: But my dog (Gata) is so special, I want a puppy (or kitten) just as she.

    Fact: Your pet puppies have an unlikely possibility of being a copy of this carbon. Not even the professional breeders can guarantee this. There are pets in hostels waiting for a home that are so cute, Smart, sweet and loving as yours.

    More facts

    Slaughter of dogs and cats rates rise exponentially in areas where there is no available sterilization programs.

    The dogs are 15 times, and cats 45 times, as prolific as human beings.

    Dogs and cats enjoy many benefits of health and behavior as a result of surgical sterilization.

    Making the change

    To the evaluate the risks that are derived of the overpopulation of animals domestic, including aspects of public health, the risks of animal health and behavior problems, the sterilization and castration is becomes clearly in the option certainly more responsible.