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    Facts about cats

    Do you like the cats; think you know it all about them, If you challenge to read all their references, You'll see there was something that you did not know!!.
    • The range of vision of a cat does not include the area below your nose.
    • Cats greet touching their noses.
    • Cats have more bones than humans, We win by 24.
    • When do cats Meow to communicate with humans and not with other cats.
    • Cats have 12 whiskers on each side of his face.
    • At birth, the vast majority of cats have blue eyes, changing of color growing up.
    • In England and Australia, them cats black represent good luck.
    • It is believed that cats are sufficiently intelligent to learn how to use the toilet.
    • The claws of the front paws of a cat are more sharp than its hind legs.
    • The brains of a cat are more similar to the one of a human, in the case of dogs.
    • A cat is able to emit 100 sounds different, only dogs 10.
    • Cats eat grass to clean your digestive system of any lint that have swallowed.
    • The cat who more you broods had gave birth to a total of 420 kittens during their lifetime.
    • A homemade cat lives on average 16 years, While one street only between 3 and 5
    • Like the cats their food at room temperature.
    • Cats, with the passage of the years, become intolerant to lactose.
    • It is believed that the first ancestor of the cat lived makes 30 millions of years.
    • In the ancient Egypt, the cats were worshiped, the abduction and sale of cats could be punished with death.
    • If the cat of an Egyptian family died, owners shave the eyebrows in sign of mourning.
    • Isaac Newton, among his many accomplishments, I invented the folding doors for cats, so I avoided pets Hipatia it of their studies to enter or leave the House.
    • The cats came to America from Europe in the 18th century with the aim of combating pests.
    • Towser, a cat Scottish, He holds the record Guinness be the best Hunter of mice.
    • Puss, an English cat, holds the record for longevity, lived 36 years.
    • If a cat licks you hands, the face or hair, take it as a huge compliment: is acicalandote as one of the “yours”
    • If a cat lying down face-up to see you it means having to trust, Since in is position could not defend against an attack
    • People who have cats live longer, they have less stress, and they have fewer heart attacks
    • Cats believe that they are the owners of the House where cohabits with the human
    • When a cat rubs against you, It is because you this marking as part of its territory
    • A cat will almost never communicates with a “Meow” another cat, This sound is used to communicate with humans
    • If a cat tail lifts and keeps it fully stretched upwards, means that you are waving
    • Cats make them more case to women than to men, because they react better to a sharp tone of voice
    • If your cat is sick and stops wash, rinse your, Since you may lose the will to live only to be dirty and forgotten
    • Up to four colors or tri-colored cats, they are exclusively females. with fur of three colors black, Red and cream (variety carey) and four when they wear white. Given the particularity, the tri-color and cuatricolores, they are only females, and in extrañísimos cases of some male, These are sterile
    • Cats don't understand punishment, But if the rewards when you do something well
    • Cats sleep of 16 a. 18 hours a day. but still asleep, they are alert to any stimulus
    • Cats have excellent night vision
    • Immediately wash after eating cats. It is a survival instinct that leads them to act so that predators do not smell the food and so they can be attacked
    • The cat walks and runs by moving the front legs and rear on the same side. Only the camel, the giraffe and the cat have this feature
    • Them cats hate the smell of the Orange and of them lemons (Citrus)
    • The Purring of cats has the ability to reassure them if themselves when they are sick or scared
    • As human beings we have fingerprints and these are unique, the design of the nose of the Jack pad is unique, There are no two cats with the same design
    • The black cats are usually quieter than whites, which are always very nervous
    • The language of cats this formed by tiny hooks, that you help to tear the food. that feels rough to touch skin
    • Chocolate is toxic to cats
    • The majority of white cats with blue eyes are deaf, unless they have a color different from the other eye. Or good, even statistically are it. The gene for deafness, is a gene itself of them cats white, is called allele w. Not all white cats are deaf, they are only those who have this gene. The W gene makes Jack White even though their genes say it's a black cat, or brown or another color, This gene has the particularity of being more dominant than any other that has to do with any of the other colors
    • The ears of the cats are ultrasonic. This means that you can listen to inaudible frequencies for you. As the sounds that use rodents to communicate.
    • Cats whiskers periodically fall off and grow back. His disappearance affects the movement and the sense of orientation of the animal. for this reason, It is important not to cut them.
    • Can a cat survive all his life in the interior of a House? The answer is Yes. A study shows that the average lifespan of cats who live in the interior of a House, It is much bigger than cats that live on the street. Although the cats may live all their life in the interior of a House, We must get you to breathe fresh air. A good window or a large balcony,delight your cat, that you can get to breathe fresh air. But remember that you to have a cat at home, You must have space.
    • Cats can have them of 3 a. 7 kittens every four months during its lifetime. the way to prevent this outrage is through sterilization.
    • Like cats to sleep with the dorsal reloaded into something, I am is to avoid that someone appears behind them.
    • The cat has 32 muscles in each ear, use these as a species of antennas parabolic airships to the source of the sound.
    • Your heart beats two times faster than the human beings.
    • Cats also have stress. Cats have stress, the way in which are released this is scratching objects vertically, so relax because this stretch activates blood circulation and tones your body thanks to the stretching that occurs.
    • Each cat has their own fluffy and purr. May have a purr like two cats but despite everything, there is always some difference.
    • Cats see colors. However, the number you receive is limited and depends on the amount of light. By am, at night come black and white, but they distinguish objects and distances.
    • For the attention of a cat, Click the language again and again quickly.
    • The legend of the 7 lives. This is due to that many times come to survive really serious falls, This is must to the wonderful capacity that have of give is it turned in the air and landing on four legs. It is said that some cats that have fallen low floor, they failed to fall “perfect” due to the rapid acceleration and lack of time to get in the correct position to cushion the blow, on the other hand, cats that have fallen from higher floors, even though they suffered fractures, to have time and prepare for the coup, succeeded in cushioning the fall so not out fatal.
    • The cat is instinctively a Hunter, But if her mother doesn't teach you while hard parenting, will never be one really effective.
    • The superstition is that listening to a cat sneezing is good luck.
    • If a cat keeps his tail between the hind legs, It means that it has accepted a defeat or that he is being submissive.
    • Cats may perceive smells with the mouth. In addition to making it with the nose, cats smell with an organ, called organ of Jacobson, located in the upper part of the mouth.
    • It is possible to teach a cat to give the leg as if it were a dog, but you will need patience to achieve it.
    • A curious fact is that females tend to have better vision than males.
    • Cats grooming. Cats dedicate you to the bathroom many times of the day, before or after any physical activity or going to sleep, begin to clean, and is a sign that this relaxed, But if cleaned frequently may be having heat, This leads to dehydration, You can also have stress.
    • Most of the cats are attracted by menthol (pills, toothpaste, etc).
    • Cats lost almost the same amount of liquid in the saliva while wiping, as if pee.
    • Male cats have a charged sense of ownership. They mark their territory with a strong smell of urine.
    • In domestic cats, Purring has a frequency between 25 and 150 vibrations per second.
    • The taste buds of the cats do not detect sweet tastes.
    • Some cats refuse to calves and up to arrive to eat them. The rejection occurs most frequently in kittens that are born sick or with some congenital defect. The mothers noticed a weird behavior in their young, they do not recognize them and decide to ignore them. In some cases a rejection can cannibalism: is eats the placenta and chews the cord umbilical and can follow to get to the breeding.
    • To be able to drop foot jacks, they need a minimum height of 20 cm; to be able to turn in the air.
    • In the ancient Egypt, killing a cat was a crime punishable by death; on the death of the cat, It was mummified, and small mice were placed in his grave.
    • The jaw of the cat can not move laterally.
    • A cat can jump a height 7 times superior to the yours.
    • The ancestor of the domestic cat is the African wild cat, species that still exists, Although it has currently evolved.
    • The owners of cats live longer because they are healthier; emotional manifestations that owner lavishes him and receives, they relieve this the “stress” caused by everyday life, which is cause of many diseases.
    • Cats do not see very well closely, anything in a lower range to the 15 cm turns them out of focus.
    • Cats get to hear their prey by turning ear independently from each other.
    • Cats are more attracted by the people who pay them less attention since they feel less threatened when there is no eye contact.
    • The whiskers of the cat not are hair but terminals nerve that serve as detectors of the air, combined with his sense of smell, they contribute to the identification of any smell.
    • Cats are not able to recognize their image in the mirror, Is the reason?, because it has no smell.
    • When they do their needs they hide it so is not, that should put them somewhere special with a bit of land where to do so. The cats hide their excrement in sand not because are clean, but the instinct to hide the smell of them to not be recognized by his enemies.
    • His ear is so fine that, believe it or not, You can locate the exact position of a dam in just 1/6 second.
    • When hunt, his eyes are focused on the dam losing sight of all other objects to your around.
    • As for food, they hate cold food, prefer the temperature of a dam, around 36 degrees.
    • The pads of their feet are so sensitive that record any vibration, are like an alarm system capable of perceiving time until an earthquake until it happens.
    • Cats are very oriented animals. It is believed that they orient themselves thanks to a combination of Sun and of the Earth's magnetic field.
    • The average lifespan of a cat is of 12 a. 15 years.
    • Cats reach maturity to the 5 years approximately and their third age starts as to them 10 years.
    • Its gestation period is of 60 a. 65 days.
    • Cats see humans as a substitute mothers, living a kind of prolongation for maturity of the era in which puppies are.
    • Cats can suffer psychological illnesses such as stress. As a stressed human, will tend to develop neurotic behavior.
    • In a cat old age is not gradual, as the human, but sharp. It lasts for approximately one year and ends in death.
    • Females sterilized prior to their first zeal, they are less likely to suffer breast cancer,
    • The breed of cats does not determine absolutely the character. This is said to be the best etolo of the cats a psychologist of human, all should be treated as a unique being.
    • Cats do not have sweat glands da exception of the Sphynx cat.
    • Cat diet must contain a certain amount of fat, Since its your body does not produce it.
    • The smell of onion and vinegar is detested by cats.
    • The field of view of the cats is of 185 degrees.
    • The castration can lengthen them her life in two or three years.
    • The heaviest breed is the Procyonidae, weighing 10Kg, While the dwarf variety of the Siamese barely 1, 5Kg.
    • For cats, the high-pitched sounds are friendly, While the bass are aggressive. This a good cat name should take several ies (Michi, for example). Unfortunately, in English-speaking countries, the most common name is one contraindicated (Tom).
    • In the case of the Persians and other breeds of ultra short nose, Dales Vaseline can have serious complications.
    • There are 33 breeds of domestic cats and more than 500 millions of cats in the world.
    • Cats and humans have same regions involved in emotions in your brain.
    • Domestic cats are a few great runners and can run at a speed of 30 Km/h.
    • The tail is a body essential for the balance of the cat; It functions as a pole in the hands of a tightrope walker.
    • Most of the cats have no eyelashes.
    • Night vision is around 6 times better than that of men due to the Tapetum Lucidum, a structure of the cat eye composed of cells capable of functioning as mirrors, amplifying the more faint ray of light.
    • Americans annually spend more money on food for cats than in food for babies.
    • The cat can perceive sounds approximately two octave higher than the human.
    • Tri-colored cats are almost always female. Cats calicos, Butterfly, tricolor or Spanish cats ( also the tortoiseshell or tortoise ) they are usually females. Only one of each 4.000 tri-colored cat is male and often sterile and one of each 10.000 tri-colored cat is male and fertile.
    • The spots of the Siamese in the legs, tail, ears, nose and mouth is where have the temperature more low with respect to the part that are white.
    • The nostrils of the cat have 19 millions of nerve endings. The men have only 5 million.
    • The cat appeared on earth before the dog and that most of the animals that have become household. However, It has been one of the last in be domesticated.
    • Two great conquerors as they were Napoleon and Julio César not feared them enemy armies, but a simple cat put them to tremble, since they had them phobia.
    • The image of a standing cat placed in Scandinavia to improve fertility.