Our Association functions as placement of abandoned animals, dogs and cats, report abuse and neglect, and to promote the defense of the same, For more than thirty years.
Our income depends on private donations, piggy, Street markets, quotas partners, shares of godparents, the collaboration of associations in Germany Switzerland , of the contributions of mainly European countries animal lovers. In the history of this Association there have been countless tough times, many shocking cases, difficult times due to the lack of resources, and thousands of reasons to give up and definitely lose faith in the human being, but still we have always had the support of many partners who have given us strength to continue, and have never missed a lick or a Purring in appreciation of our work that spur us to continue fighting for them.
From this association defends the sterilization as the only means worthy of controlling overpopulation of dogs and cats.
In addition to managing our refuge, We made talks against the abandonment in colleges, Civic Centers, events rooms. For this reason, We encourage all persons sensitized to the problem of abandonment from here, to help us promote the possibility of the adoption of an abandoned animal, as a first option to consider when purchasing a pet. This partnership means that it is necessary to promote the adoption of abandoned animals among the people, first, to involve the society of the serious problem posed by human neglect to animals and, second, to fully educate the adoptive parents of that share the life with an animal performs a series of responsibilities and obligations for life.