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    Small dogs


    Name: WANDA
    Race: Mestiza Presa
    Age: 01/07/2013
    Sex: Female
    Castrated/Esterilizado: If
    It is a very sweet dog, Take it easy, educated, patient and good. You need a home of truth.

    Video Wanda and Willow: https://youtu.be/mOHtlV9POOc

    Video Wanda and Willow: https://youtu.be/wxiZb_6m6nU

    Video Wanda and Willow: https://youtu.be/mqGrQArA9JU

    Video Wanda and Willow: https://youtu.be/rcKDj2ePJq0

    Video Wanda and Willow: https://youtu.be/EJqlvAZ0UrU



    Name: DAY
    Race: mestizo dam
    Age: 01/06/2016
    Sex: Female
    Castrated/Esterilizado: Not
    Taken from the municipal Kennel of Burgos. It is a very playful dog, fun. Active. You need a home of truth.

