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    What to do if you lose your pet, and if you find a dog or cat abandoned.

    What to do if you lose to your dog??

    An of the situations to which an owner never would want to face is is that your dog is lose. Distress can grab us and make that we act not conveniently, but the first few hours are crucial and must know the steps we need to take and know who resort to recover our friend.

    Dogs are like children: If we despistamos a moment, can do any mischief or fool are and away is from our side until end up lost. Logically, have that take all the measures that are to our scope to prevent that this happens; some regulated by law and, Therefore, of forced compliance.
    This occurs with the microchip, a tool that can be vital to find to a dog lost. It is required to control the abandonment and to punish persons who commit it but, at the same time, If the animal is lost, a veterinarian may know their data and thus contact with its owner. Regional laws also require that dogs and cats are registered in their corresponding records.
    Another precaution that we also have obligation to comply is to dogs with strap to, in the case of the cataloged as dangerous, It may not be extensible or exceed two meters. In the latter case the animals should go out with muzzle.
    Since dogs need exercise outdoors, There are suitable areas for them which can be loose and play with other dogs. We must be very vigilant because it is in these moments of fun when they can mislead you and disappear. You have to watch them at all times when not let's them tied because there are many causes for which could move like a dog in heat or a loud noise that startled them and cause to go running without any control. Finally, If you are who has the habit of leaving your dog tied to the gates of the shops, know that in these cases there is not only risk of flight but also the possibility of someone steal the animal.
    DENOUNCE THE DISAPPEARANCE But, Despite being very careful if, our friend has got escape is, We must remain calm and act with common sense. First we will return us crazy looking for him by the area in which it has gone. We will call you out, We will ask the people if you've seen it and will not rest until it becomes night. It is a normal reaction and perhaps we get to find it and all end up in a small scare. If it is not thus, We must get in touch with the file's identification of animals company - which is where are stored the data that contains the microchip- to warn of his disappearance. We can do this by calling us themselves or through our veterinarian. On the card from the animal we will find the phone numbers and the number of the microchip, we requested. Also, will have to go to the police Municipal for denounce the loss before take 48 hours and left us with a copy of the complaint. With this, We will avoid us accused of abandonment.

    What if my cat is lost?


    If your cat is lost

    To maximize the chances of finding a lost cat, you have to act fast. And not put you nervous!!
    1. It devotes at least 15-30 minutes to call the cat by name, surrounding the site where was seen for last time. Get sounds familiar, as hitting the rim of a can with a fork or shaking a box of food, dry.
    2. Leave a door ajar to return home.
    3. Advises immediately to them neighbouring on the absence of your cat and ask them permission to look in their garages since them cats in occasions is hide there. If its windows give to your House perhaps can take a look for you.
    4. Comb the neighborhood (recruiting to neighbors and children if is possible) reporting to the characteristics of your cat door, your number of phone and offering a small reward for any information.
    5. Walking or pedaling up and down by the last Street in that is saw to your cat and walk with your car by your neighborhood. Ask the people you are and extends your search by fields and forests of the surrounding.
    6. Cats who are not used to live abroad can panic and hide in the bushes. Them cats injured or sick also tend to hide it.
    7. Use the sections of “lost and found” of those newspapers local to announce your loss, and take every day if someone communicates that it has found.
    8. Prepare leaflets with the information about your cat, including your name and a description of their appearance. Contact information should include name, phone and e-mail. If it is possible, includes a photograph of your pet and photocopy. It prints and distributes the leaflets where your cat was seen for the last time and also in the surroundings of your neighborhood. Distribuyelo also in all those planks informative that you have to your scope.
    9. Calls to them veterinary near alerting them of your loss and provide them the information of the point previous.
    Many lost pets are carried to nearby shelters or kennels. The organizations local of help to those animals also are a site that should be visit. Be sure to provide details such as color, the age, the size, the temperament and other data identifying (Microchip, Necklace, etc…).  

    If I find a dog or cat abandoned that I do??

    What to do if you are a dog

    By misfortune are many those dogs that we see wandering daily by the streets, fields, roads…and many want to help them but don't know how act exactly. Hope that the following tips you are useful and among all can help them!!

    First of all you have to do when you are an animal is intentar take it and bring it to a veterinarian where free will pass you the microchip reader, It may not be abandoned, that is has lost and that their owners you are looking for!

    In some cases will be easily pick up, but in others will be scared and to the not know us not be bring it enough to us. The important thing when it comes to approaching is to do it with peace of mind, without sudden movements and without raising the voice. There is that to ensure that the animal does not is panic because can flee and suffer a hit, If are you offers water and something of food is likely that will feel more protected and safe. With a little patience, we will get that you trust us and let that take.

    If the dog carries microchip the veterinary can contact with the owners so that it recover, and you you will go to house with the satisfaction of having him helped to return to their home!! If it does it may be why it has been abandoned or is lost but its owners worried about never putting microchip thinking that it wasn't important. In any case, If not you can stay with it's shape permanent We must begin as soon as possible in the dissemination to find him a new home.

    Surely the first thing you want to do is to call protective to the refuge, but by misfortune all them protective are saturated due to the high number of dropouts and as much as we would like to help not have site for it, so it will not be able to take it immediately, But if you are going to be able to help in the broadcasting. Make him a hollow in your House, is your host family until all find you a new home. If this does not happen, at least have it in your House until you have vaccine and there is gap in the protective to pick it up, the vaccines are makes charge the protective but if you have in your House until then,so you can enter in a cage without the risk of getting sick.

    If you are a sociable Cat Street in the process is the same. first look if has chip and but it has there is that trying to between all to find it a home final.