We already have Christmas lottery. It helps the protective buying your participation, thus giving a donation of one euro per share. 5 euros = 4 euros to play the lottery and 1 euros is donation for the protective. LUCK THIS YEAR WE HAVE TO TOUCH THE […]
Ten reasons to not buy leather garments Each year 20 millions of animals are caught by traps and 40 millions are raised on farms for an unnecessary luxury, According to the associations that fight for the rights of animals. Lives snatched by a selfish luxury. The worst thing that you can […]
Many brands are experimenting with animals, do not consume these products. Here is a brand of cosmetics and hygiene with completely organic products, the deal is fantastic, the quality is very good and all natural. http://www.cocunat.com/
What better way to raise awareness from small books that will inculcate respect for and love of animals. We leave the link of a beautiful initiative: http://www.elrincondecartucho.com/ in addition to buying any of their books can help the protector of Burgos because part of its profits from the sale going to the protective to your choice. […]
We are still collecting animals in favor of the protective caps of Burgos, plug-to-plug can fill a container of 4000 kg and that money will be in order to move forward and continue to keep the refuge and the conditions of life of our animals are the most appropriate. Do not give them aside, […]
Are thinking of helping the protective of animals of Burgos?. Best way to become a partner or sponsor. If you have any questions please ask our contact email. Here you have the newsletters so that you can check them out. THANK YOU FOR THINKING OF ANIMALS AS NOBLE AS THOSE WHO RESIDE IN THE PROTECTIVE OF […]
Send us a photo of your pet and a message that puts your revulsion against the Bull of the vega. Among all we can get these atrocities to cease to exist. Enough of animal abuse. From the protective of animals from Burgos, we want to do a charity video to support our revulsion […]
My name is Lolo, I have almost 10 years, I want to tell you my story. When I had just one year my owners left me in the protective, When he lived with them, just gave me to eat and it was very very thin, full of knots and dreadlocks because either I bathed, or they brushed, No one I […]
To meet high veterinary costs, food, medications need your help. IF YOU WANT TO BE A MEMBER OF OUR PROTECTIVE, FILL IN THE FOLLOWING FORM. Newsletter-of-socio1 The minimum fee as a partner is of 6 euros per month, It may be a monthly fee, quarterly, semi-annual or annual. The form can […]
We want to clarify which are the objectives and principles by which we are based at the animal protective Association of Burgos. We are a group of people with the same ideals, has cost us much get a team that think of achieving the objectives in the same way and above all with […]