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    Sugus at final home are very happy.

    We are very happy, Sugus our little champion in his home with his playmate, they love and are always together.

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    This year has been very hard, We have realized many things, above all of the miserable that can be despechadas people, that lie is very easy, using and manipulating people with lies is free, to say terrible things about people and scupper the work of many years is the dirty tricks of unscrupulous people.

    There are phrases that we take them “” with time all things fall into place. While both laugh at the confusion, live moments and understands that everything happens for a reason.””” “”Do not use the revenge simply hopes that its own poison the mate””.

    While some engage in criticism, lie, manipulate, do we lose foster homes, plugs (sad but true) donations, and a long etecera. Others we do things well, proud to be away from people so. We do not use social networks to crush anyone.

    It is not worth further, We are simply left with the time of Sugus and great home. Many thanks to all the foster homes that have cared and loved.