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    Canine Parvovirus

    Parvovirus is one of the more frequent in dogs contagious diseases. In some countries it is the most common canine illness.

    Parvovirus is caused by a virus that carries the same name. This disease affects the digestive tract of dogs and can affect the heart muscle in very young puppies.

    Parvovirus was identified in 1978 and mutant strains of the virus have been found since then. Although there is a vaccine to prevent the disease, some vaccinated dogs sick.

    Transmission of canine parvovirus

    Parvovirus is spread through the feces of infected dogs. Since the virus is highly resistant to environmental conditions adverse, It can remain latent in the environment even for more than five months.

    Canine parvovirus virus can also be found on surfaces and objects that have been in contact with infected faeces, such as the soles of the shoes.

    Other animals, such as insects and rodents, they can serve as vectors of transmission of canine parvovirus.

    Symptoms and diagnosis of canine parvovirus

    The symptoms of canine parvovirus can vary in intensity for each individual. Adult dogs tend to be more resistant to disease and often that they not have noticeable symptoms. On the other hand, Puppies under six months are highly susceptible to parvovirus and often die if this disease is contagious.

    Some breeds are more susceptible to parvovirus. The Dobermann, the Rottweiller and Labrador tend to be more susceptible than other breeds to this disease.

    Canine parvovirus symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration and bloody stools (that it can be seen as dark stool). Due to the strong dehydration of the dog or puppy, death often occurs between the 48 and the 72 hours since the first symptoms occur.

    In severe cases, parvovirus causes a decrease in white blood cells.

    Since the canine parvovirus symptoms are common to other illnesses, accurate diagnosis requires laboratory analysis. However, measures to treat dehydration can begin immediately.

    Under three months of age puppies can suffer inflammation of the heart. In these cases, There is diarrhoea and the puppy may die in a few minutes or a few days. Even if it survives for a longer time, heart damage is severe and usually leads to death.

    Prevention and treatment of canine parvovirus

    Currently there is a cure to eliminate the virus from a dog that has been infected of parvovirus. The only treatment that can be done is to give vital support to the animal, to avoid death by dehydration.

    To treat canine parvovirus is usually to maintain the balance of fluids and electrolytes intravenously. In less severe cases may also be used subcutaneous injections and oral fluid replacement.

    The replacement of fluids and electrolytes is the most important thing in cases of parvovirus, because it is dehydration that leads to the death of the dog. However, in some cases you may also need to give antibiotics to prevent opportunistic infections.

    Since the treatment of canine parvovirus is ineffective (There is a high rate of mortality), the best way to combat this disease is through prevention.

    The prevention of canine parvovirus is carried out by the puppy and adult dog vaccination, and maintaining the hygiene of workplaces where dogs live and walk. The vaccination program must decide what the veterinarian and must be strictly followed to reduce the risk of infection. Even so, some vaccinated dogs contract canine parvovirus, so hygiene must not be side.