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    Vaccination is only effective if the animal is healthy, properly housetrained and is done at the right time, When is the immune system mature, so deworming before each vaccine is routine, systematic and mandatory.


    The time to begin the vaccination is important, because maternal antibodies that have crossed the placental barrier to the suck don't last forever and decrease after birth. If you vaccine prematurely it can interfere with the efficacy vaccine, But if we vaccinated too late the animal will be a period of time without protection.


    Vaccination consists of inoculation of a substance (microorganism, fraction of a virus, etc), in the body, that reacts front to it creating defenses (antibodies). The type of vaccine and frequency may vary according to habits and geographic area in which you live. Friends Veterinary Clinic, We will inform you of the most appropriate protocol for your macota


    There are different types of vaccines that protect against more or less diseases. The best known is the “Trivalent” protects against distemper, hepatitisviral and leptospirosis Another widely used vaccine is the “Tetravalent” that is the same than the trivalent and also carries the fraction of Parvovirus.

    We are using from more than 15 years vaccines “MULTIPURPOSE” that in addition toDistemper, Hepatitis, Leptospira, Parvovirus, also includes the viral fraction of the Kennel Cough and in some casesCanine coronavirus. Another vaccine used and well known is the of the Rage, and other lesser known and also latest are the from the Canine herpesvirus, the of the Piroplasmosis, and the vaccine against the Bordetella bronchiseptica and Pasteurella Multocida ( opportunistic bacterial components of the Kennel Cough) Let's do a little reminder of these diseases:


    Produced by a parvovirus , It is an intestinal disease which presents with vomiting and diarrhoea, hemorrhagic. It produces a steep descent of defenses, and today we managed to cure the 85 % sick dogs, but the best treatment is prevention with vaccines. Is diagnosed with a specific test that is performed on stool.


    Caused by a paramyxovirus (morbillivirus), is capable of producing multiple symptoms (respiratory, digestive, dermatological) but it mainly produces lesions in the nervous system, that it can be permanent and in most cases, fatal. Few actually survive, and those who do are left with permanent sequelae. Vaccine prevention is the best treatment.


    Mainly produced by parainfluenza virus, Although there are also adenovirus, Reovirus, herpesvirus, … It is a mild and self-limiting disease, but in some cases and in some races ( the braquicefalos especially ) It can become secondarily contaminated with bacteria ( Bordetella and pasteurella ) reaching higher gravity. The clinical picture is a very cumbersome cough, He recalls a closing of the throat, as if it had stuck to something and he could not throw him out. Sometimes even have nausea and vomiting.

    There are available also a vaccine that protects against the bacterial fraction of the complex kennel cough ( bordetella and pasteurella ) It is mainly used in brachycephalic breeds ( Boxer, Bull dog, Mastiff, Pekingese,…)


    Caused by an Adenovirus type II, easily recognized by his nickname of “blue-eye”, It isn't more than a corneal edema. The main lesions are hepatic, with the typical symptoms of fever, decay, vomiting and sometimes bloody diarrhea. Just cases are seen nowadays in Spain, but we continue to recommend a good vaccine prevention.


    It is the only disease that we vaccinated dogs, It is transmissible to man ( rabies also, but it is that there is no rage in Spain). It produces liver and renal injury, and it is transmitted by drinking water contaminated or by contact with an infected dog urine.


    Viral disease caused by one of many coronaviruses that exist. Is exactly equal to the Parvovirus, but it is much more mild and self-limiting, without the damage that generates the parvo virus. The worst part about this disease is that you accompany other, Partnering to bacteria or other viruses such as of the Parvovirus, in which case, the picture is worse and very difficult survival.


    Produced by the canine herpesvirus type I. Like all Herpes, Once they enter the body, remain forever becoming the patient an inapparent chronic carrier.

    It affects females primarily, causing infertility and infection of uterus. In pregnant females, produces abortion or perinatal death and adult males, genital tract infections. In puppies perinatal death in the first four weeks of life.


    It is a disease produced by a parasite transmitted by the bite of a tick, it enters the bloodstream and destroys red blood cells from the patient. It produces strong anemia and can kill the patient if it is not addressed properly.

    We have a vaccine that offers good protection against this disease. It does not cover all the population vaccinated, but a significantly decreases the risk, especially in areas where the disease is endemic, and the population of pets, the disease you suffer from frequent, severe form.


    Caused by a virus of the family Rhabdoviridae, It is fatal to man and is spread by contact with the saliva of infected animals. In Spain, There is no rage from 1966, except in a case in Malaga sporadically and perfectly controlled. Since the year 1973 Spain is declared as a rabies-free country. The only possible prevention is vaccination of dogs and cats, and it is mandatory in all Spain, except in Galicia, where is vaccination voluntary.

    If you want to go outside our territory, you need to have vaccinated your pet, with at least 30 days prior to the date of travel.