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    The protective overcoming Award-nominated 2015 VOTANOS

    Click on the link and vote for the protective animals of Burgos: http://premiosla8burgos.rtvcyl.es/

    The 8 CyLTV Burgos dresses a year more to celebrate the ceremony of delivery of the prizes that bear his name that differentiates the professional and personal career of Burgos ten. The Edition 2015 It will grant the recognition in the categories of business and cultural values, Improvement Awards, Promises and people copy Awards.

    Five modes for five winners, distinguished also by the society in Burgos. And is that, Awards the 8 Burgos are also granted by citizens through their votes, previous selection carried out by the chain.

    FORUM evolution of Burgos will host the ceremony which will reveal is the award-winning five and which will bring together representatives of the main institutions of the city, province and region, as well as actors of cultural life, business, social and artistic Burgos. Along with musical performances and other surprises… As every year, the chain will share the gala with its viewers, offering the ceremony entirely.

    Wednesday 16 December of 2015 20:30 h evolution Forum. VOTE NOW! before the 14 December.