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    The best visiting two friends from far away.

    The protection of animals from Burgos animals have the good fortune of having people who live very far away but want them badly and do everything possible to help them are able to do many kilometres to bring donations for them.

    Thank you Dagmar and Petra, Thank you for being our friends, Thank you for being his angels, Thank you for the pleasure of knowing you, you want a lot, We have the best of luck for you.

    In the good and bad always by our side, a look is worth a thousand words and your look is all goodness.

    Thank you for all the donations that have brought us, Thanks to all those people who have donated it, Thanks to all your team always is pending of homeless animals and they do everything because they have one.

    We hope to again embrace you very soon, the best time lived in a long time.

    Thank you.