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    Day 9 April run by them in Decathlon Burgos for the protective animal Burgos.

    For the first time and in collaboration with Decathlon Burgos the day 9 April, the day will be held “He runs by them”. A charity initiative that will transform the kilometers traveled by participants in food for shelter animals. The average population in the protective, round the 150 dogs and 80 cats, Can you imagine the amount of food that is spent in a day? Therefore we want to agradec…er to Decathlon this opportunity on behalf of all of our furry, Since all action helps to change and improve their lives.

    You can participate all day on the premises of Decathlon, where be static bike and tape running.

    And don't worry, If the influx is wide, be controlled by time so that everyone can contribute your bit and even, repeat if you want to. We are delighted to see that there are more retailers willing to help charitable causes, that encourages us to continue our work since the society is slowly changing. Do not miss it! I wait for the day 9.
