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    It helps the furry of the protective animals of Burgos.

    As you know the protective of animals of Burgos is financed with private help, We collect many animals a year, a day, a month is sometimes completely desperate because you can see that the situation does not change, does not improve, but we can look into other side and we have to welcome them and find them a real home.

    The assistance of the institutions public is minimal, It does not cover nor a month costs. The protective need much help, in feed, in medications, vaccines, special meals, veterinary treatments, workers, an average population of 200 monthly animals that keep is not possible with volunteers, because they need daily attention of many hours.

    So it can subsist thanks to partners, godparents, donations, adoptions.

    Here you have the account numbers for donations:

    LA CAIXA www.LaCaixa.es

    Account: 2100 5598 502100029544

    IBAN: ES27 2100 5598 502100029544


    IBERCAJA www.ibercaja.es

    Account: 2085 4859 5203 30112247

    IBAN: ES84 2085 4859 5203 30112247

    BIC code (SWIFT): CAZRES2Z

    If you want to become a Member: DO YOU-SOCI

    If you want to get Godfather: SPONSOR

    Collection of Stoppers, blankets is very important for the protective animals also.
