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    Clarification on our principles.

    We want to clarify which are the objectives and principles by which we are based at the animal protective Association of Burgos.

    We are a group of people with the same ideals, has cost us much to get a team that think of achieving the objectives in the same way and with the same principles.

    When the same ideas are no problems, cracks in their ideals , it best is choose by the option of each one by its road because there are things that not is can solve, ones by education omit those details and others without any class lie and is believe their own lies, each with his conscience, Although the lie has life very short.

    * Our protective not da dogs to hunters, We do not understand how someone can enjoy killing animals, using other animals for this. Dogs used for a purpose, When not served are abandoned, most of them spend their lives on premises tied without power or lying on the ground, without seeing the light of the Sun for days, eating bread if they are lucky, going out to hunt two days to the week or one, and only the months that the preserves are open, animals that have no chip because when not worth it is very easy to get rid of them and a large etc. Never we will pamper such barbaric acts and we do not consider that it can go together animal with these atrocities.

    * Do not give dogs for keeps, farms where live alone without any attention, by want a dog if always alone??, that is so important in that finca solitary that put in danger the life of an animal to defend any thing material, We believe that there are alarms for that.

    * We do not consider that an animal tied to a wall, a booth or any place is an animal with a life worthy, Although the law is legal always that released some hours a day or make your string of a specified length, for us not is enough for a life happy.

    * We think of our collected, animals that deserve it all, all have their opportunity only this coming, never be sacrificing animals healthy, never.

    *Greyhounds are not delivered to galgueros, We don't know any galguera that not exploited their Greyhound running, to raise, animals that do not receive no caress, or no attention during its useful life, then we all know as it is your final, I hope all reach a protective instead as they have just.

    * Canicross if it is a sport, because the participants have fun in sports (We cannot say the same thing on the hunt), many very active dogs love to run and are happy to do so, provided that those animals are considered and treated as more than one family, because not? is it healthy to have fun together.

    * We are against bullfighting, as someone can enjoy the suffering of cowardly kill an animal, as someone can contribute to such nonsense and argue that only goes for the snack. We will strive for that these atrocities near someday cease to exist, as well as all the celebrations in which animals are abused. Animal rights going to the bulls, to defend this barbarism, not can be compatible.

    * We shall fight because circuses are no longer animals, abused and used of for life, zoos where live locked up without respecting their rights, each animal must live in their habitat natural, advocacy which bring their children to the circus with animals are not advocacy..

    * Them people that fight for the rights of them animals have that preach with the example, can not be taught theory and then their own adopted animals, be more abandoned that an animal without owner, a life of lies, adopt an animal to live worse than before, the misfortune of a poor innocent people from falling into the hands of “animal rights” Word. People without morals have no place in our protective.

    We have struggled much by get a life worthy for them animals abandoned of the protective of Burgos, We are not going to let anyone pour lies because he has been cast by his acts, their ideas and their low beginnings of our protective. We still have great force to fight because no one takes advantage of the needy.
