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    Diseases in your cat



    The feline panleukopenia is a highly infectious disease that, In addition to affecting the cat, It affects members of the cat family (Tiger, Leopard etc.) This disease is characterized by a severe drop in white blood cells and destruction of the intestinal mucosa, causing diarrhea. It is caused by a small virus (Parvovirus), closely related to canine parvovirus. It has a high resistance to heat and many disinfectants. It is able to persist in infected environments up to by 1 year. The bleach is one of the few disinfectants that have sufficient activity virucidal against feline panleukopenia virus. The severity of the disease varies considerably from one cat to another, ranging from a slight increase in temperature with decay transient to a hemorrhagic gastroenteritis and dehydration with dramatic lowering of white blood cells capable of killing the animal. The most seriously affected tend to be young kittens who are not vaccinated. Those affected cats begin with a great depression, fever and loss of appetite. Then there are vomiting and diarrhea with severe abdominal pain. The mortality rate may vary from the 30 to the 80 %. The treatment is symptomatic, i.e., is treat the symptoms that appear during the course of the disease. Infected animals are home to large quantities of virus in saliva, urine, fecal matter. In the pregnant cats infection can spread through the placenta. In cats which recovered from infection, deleting the virus can continue for several months. Vaccination is the only effective and safe method for protection against this disease. The first vaccination is performed to kittens from 2 months with a booster dose at the next month and confers protection for one year. Revaccination should be performed annually. Viral diseases of the respiratory tract, these diseases are mostly caused by 2 virus: feline viral rhinotracheitis and feline calicivirus, but there is another virus involved which is feline hypersensitivity.


    Natural infection of this virus is the intranasal, oral and conjunctival. The main route of transmission is without a doubt by direct contact Jack to Jack. Indirect transmission plays an important role in the spread of the disease, as for example foods, cleaning utensils. The virus is relatively fragile outside cat, its duration depends on the humidity and temperature of the environment. It is a serious disease of upper airways, particularly in young animals. The incubation period is from 2 a. 6 days. The disease initially presents with great decay, intense sneezing, lack of appetite and high temperature. Then follows a runny nose, eye discharge and conjunctivitis. It is frequent that an excessive salivation, cough and shortness of breath. They may appear ulcers in the mouth and trigger pneumonia, especially in very young Kittens with diminished defenses. In pregnant females can cause abortions. It is not a disease with high mortality, except in young kittens. The symptoms usually last for 15 o 20 days. The vaccine is very effective and is associated with calicivirus and panleukopenia. Applies starting from the 2 months of age and is reinforced each year.


    This is a disease that is more benign than the feline viral rhinotracheitis, Although occasionally, It can cause more severe. There are some characteristics that differentiate it from the feline viral rhinotracheitis. Mouth ulcers are a common in the calicivirosis feature and, in some cases, It may be the only symptom of the disease. These ulcers are on the palate, language and nostrils. The malaise is less intense than in rhinotracheitis, the same as sneezing, conjunctival and nasal secretions. Salivation is not characteristic of this disease. Some varieties of this virus can cause pneumonia. The best way to prevent disease is through vaccination starting from the 2 months of age.


    The causal agent of this disease is Chlamydia psittaci. In former times it was considered as the causative agent of almost all infections of the upper respiratory tract of the cat. However, Since the feline Calicivirus and rhinotracheitis virus have been isolated, It is harder to evaluate its importance. The Chlamydiae are inactivated with relative ease out of the cat. The term hypersensitivity is somehow an incorrect designation, because the disease is mainly characterized by a conjunctivitis persistent and occasionally by a light rhinitis. The mild pulmonary lesions, they are not significant. The disease usually appears in kittens puppies, Although adult cats may also be affect. The incubation period is from 3 a. 10 days. Initially appears with great discomfort and conjunctivitis eye discharge. At the beginning, can be affected one eye. Most affected cats, they can experience more severe symptoms and develop major injuries in the eyes like for example ulcers of corneal and conjunctival edema, cough, sneezing and very infrequently some pulmonary alteration. Conjunctivitis may persist for 40 days. Usually this organism acts associated with feline Calicivirus and rhinotracheitis virus. This disease can affect the genital tract of cats. Chlamydia transmission is by direct contact, by conjunctival or nasal secretions. In cats suffering from disease, are likely to relapse when for various reasons the organic defenses decrease (stress) Vaccines confer good protection, Although it is not complete.


    Feline Infectious Peritonitis is caused by a Coronavirus. Two forms have been described: the dry and the wet form. The initial symptoms of both forms are non-specific: temperature rise, loss of appetite and decay. In the wet form, These symptoms are followed by the formation of a fluid in the abdominal cavity ( ascites), with weight loss and anemia. In some cats may appear liquid in the chest cavity causing difficulty breathing. In cats suffering from the dry form of the disease, they may have affected several organs and usually does not appear fluid in the abdominal cavity (ascites) The symptoms depend on the affected organ. When is the central nervous system altered, appears paralysis, disorientation, incoordination etc. When they are the kidneys, symptoms related to kidney failure. The eye may be affected and in some cases may be the only symptom of this. Whenever you have weight loss, loss of appetite and higher without an apparent cause temperature, one should suspect of Feline Infectious Peritonitis. It can occur in cats of all ages, but the more predisposed are young cats ( 2 years) and the old ( 10 years) The period that goes from the contagion until the first symptoms occur is of approximately 100 a. 120 days.



    This disease is a common cause of death in adult cats and is caused by a retrovirus. It affects, among other many bodies, the former system of blood cells, ( red blood cells, white blood cells) including the lymph nodes and lymph organs, What are those governing the immune system. This disease can cause: Tumors (linfosarcomas) in different parts of the body, anemia, decrease in white blood cells and decrease of defenses (immunosuppression) to such an extent that predisposes the cat to infections of all kinds. The period that goes from the cat is contagious until they begin more serious symptoms, is long. It is estimated that this period can last around 5 years on average and it sees them healthy. However, Meanwhile, eliminate virus and can transmit the disease to other cats. Spread through infected saliva and placenta of infected cats to the developing embryos. The virus is destroyed quickly by most common disinfectants. Approximately the 80 o 90% give them malignant changes in cells of the blood forming system ( Hematopoietic system ), they develop in the lymphatic system, causing Linfosarcomas. So far there is no curative treatment. Only medications that relieve symptoms are given, especially antibiotics to fight opportunistic microbial infections caused by the decrease of defenses. In recent years, other retroviruses have been discovered as the feline Lentivirus Lymphotropic, the feline syncytium forming Virus and feline Sarcoma virus. Among other symptoms, they cause an immunodeficiency syndrome.

    THE truth about FIV and FeLV

    Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and the feline immunodeficiency virus (IVF) they are two of the biggest cats in the world infectious diseases. There are many misunderstandings about these diseases. Big Sid's mission is to help educate people about FIV and FeLV. Incredible is that currently, and in these times, some veterinarians still recommend euthanasia for cats that are positive in the test.

    Please, continue reading to acquire training for yourself and to be able to leave behind unnecessary fears about FIV and FeLV.


    Feline immunodeficiency virus is a slow virus, that affects the immune system of the cat over a period of years. The IVF is an exclusively feline disease that not can be transmitted to humans or to other animals. FIV positive cats often live a long life., healthy and relatively normal without any symptoms at all.

    The disease has a wide range of effects. The cat can fight the infection and be totally immune, and you can become healthy carrier that never gets sick, or there may be a case to middle level in that cat has a compromised immune system.

    The IVF not is transmitted easily among cats. Can be transmitted either by chance - or by dune buggies, feeders and waterers or when they huddle together and play. The virus can be transmitted through blood transfusions, severely infected gums, in the womb of the mother to penetrate into the wounds by bite (usually associated with non-neutered cats). It is highly unlikely that a cat neutered in a home infect other cats, If the introduction is done properly.

    Positive IVF should be maintained to cats how healthy that possible managing them a diet of high quality. As with all cats, they should be kept inside and stress-free. Treat any secondary problems, for example a respiratory infection of upper tract, as soon as it is presented.


    Feline leukemia virus is a disease in cats that can cause anemia and Lymphoma, among other diseases. The virus can also suppress the immune system of the cat affecting their ability to fight bacteria.

    FeLV positive cats can live many years in a healthy state. Slightly more than half of cats that are positive to the test, they develop antibodies and are able to fight off the virus. A little less than half of adult cats that give positive FeLV test will succumb to the disease.

    FeLV is commonly transmitted through saliva. Therefore mutual grooming, nose contact with nose, and sharing food feeders and drinkers of water can be sources of infection. A large amount of virus needed to infect an adult cat, so it usually required a prolonged contact or a bite so there is a transmission. The FeLV vaccination helps to control the transmission of the virus.

    Cats with FeLV should be kept inside, both to protect them from exposure to the disease and to prevent that they transmit the FeLV to other cats.

    Cats with FIV or FeLV care

    Taking care of cats with FeLV and FIV aims to keep them healthy, detector problems in time and treat illnesses associated promptly and vigorously so that cats can enjoy as much as possible a quantity of life as well as a great quality of life

    To have a personal perspective as to have cats with FeLV and FIV cats, see page Abel completo Featured Cat page.

    Transmission of FIV

    FIV is difficult to transmit, the main way is through a bite where the virus is actually injected into the bloodstream.

    There is often confusion between FIV and FeLV, especially with regard to the transmission of the virus.

    The FIV virus is present in saliva, and to be transmitted to another cat, live virus has to enter into the bloodstream of the recipient cat.

    There are two main reasons why the IVF not is transmitted through sharing feeders/waterers or grooming, as is sometimes erroneously suggested:

    First of all, the virus is very fragile, and do not live much time once is outside the body - is destroyed when it is dried, by exposure to light, heat and basic detergent - normally virus will be dead long before they make the cleaning of surfaces, and it is the initial drying that eliminates the vast majority of viruses, and this will normally happen within seconds.

    Therefore, the route of transmission is primarily through a bite, where wet saliva containing the live virus is inoculated in

    effectively through the skin directly into contact with the blood of the receiver cat.

    The second reason is that the mucous membrane is a very effective barrier against virus, so – even if some viruses entering the mouth of the cat -, It is highly unlikely that they will cross mucous membrane, so it probably die within the stomach. It has been suggested that for that virus really infects the cat when it enters through the mouth, It would take ten thousand times the amount of the virus present so he could achieve a central infection.

    Curiously, This is confirmed by the fact that the kittens born to a positive mother IVF rarely are infected with virus - while the kittens have not been directly infected in utero, the placenta will protect them, the virus is present in breast milk, so all kittens will have prolonged exposure to the live virus in their digestive systems, and still it is very uncommon that kittens are infected - this is a testimony of the great effectiveness which must have the mucous membrane in the prevention of transmission.

    Is for these reasons that the prescription that often make of "keep it separated from other cats" is not valid. FIV positive cats can live together in community with no positive FIV cats with very little risk of the virus to be transmitted among them - unless the cat is a bully and you with a serious bite to another cat, which is rare in domestic cats that have been entered properly. The vast majority of cats, Once castrated, Don't bite the other cats that live - and although they can play and there may even be a small dispute, This rarely leads to serious bite required for virus. There are numerous examples of homes with a large number of cats living with FIV positive cats unless the virus is transmitted. Is required a slow and careful introduction when you bring a new cat into a home where there are cats, especially if there is a positive FIV.




    Tina, Atopic Dermatitis and feline acne are diseases that can affect to the Cat skin. Some of them may be, In addition, contagious for people and most affect puppies, because not have developed defences. This article explains the most common problems of the skin in cats; including, caused by flea allergy, the Cat scab or call cheyletiella feline. They also offer guidelines to make the cat skin healthy.

    Cat skin diseases: dangers

    Certain diseases of the skin of the cat can get people, so it should take extra hygiene and consult your veterinarian

    The puppies of cat - especially if you come from the street-, the cats living in an unhealthy environment, as well as those who suffer from cancer they constitute the cat population more prone to suffer dermatological pathologies. The Tina is the most common skin condition in Cat Cubs. However, in the case of adults, the most common skin problem are the allergies.

    Veterinary medicine Cristina Serrano, specialist in cats, Figure the percentage of cats with skin diseases that is taken care of in a veterinary clinic in a 20%. Below explains how and What are the most common skin diseases among cats, and how to protect them from these problems.

    Cat ringworm, a typical Street feline disease

    Cats with parasites, they live in precarious hygienic conditions or that they are puppies, they are the more likely to suffer from Tina, a disease caused by a fungus. “The feline ringworm can spread to people and his treatment consists of antifungal medications; against fungi”, explains Imanol Sagarzazu, Veterinary.

    In the case of infant kittens, more likely that they can contract the tub, since they have lower than a feline adult defenses. The race also It may predispose to tina, as in the case of the Persian.

    Cat acne: a skin disease

    Long-haired cats are more likely to suffer from feline acne, a disease of the skin

    The long haired cats are more likely to suffer from feline acne, consisting of a few black spots that appear in the area of the Chin. The reason for this skin condition is the moisture that it remains in the Chin of the Cat when drinking water.

    Feline acne is caused by a bacterial infection that requires treatment with antibiotics and a shampoo for cats specific to the affected area.

    Diseases in cats: Atopic Dermatitis or skin allergy

    A cat can develop environmental or food allergies, that you produce itching or redness in the skin

    Allergies to food or environmental substances, as mites or the pollen, they are the causes that provoke the symptoms of the allergic dermatitis: pruritus, redness or scaling of the skin of the cat.

    The feline with allergic dermatitis scratched compulsively and you usually end up suffering from a bacterial infection, to specify a treatment with antibiotics, In addition to figure out the what the allergen that causes pathology.

    Cats with flea allergy

    Cats with flea they may suffer an allergic reaction on your skin, “always manifested in the neck of the cat, Although bites suffer them in other areas of your body“, explains Sagarzazu.

    Against these cat skin irritations caused by parasites, the first step is to eliminate fleas with insecticides and, then, manage antibiotic to curb the bacterial infection of the skin of the neck of the cat caused by these jumping parasites.

    Feline Cheyletiella, a mite of the cat that produces much itching

    A strong itching and scaling of the skin of the cat, similar to dandruff, they are the symptoms that presents a cat that suffers from cheyletiella. Usually this Dermatologic pathology suffer the cats puppies, and is caused by a mite.

    The cat that suffers from the cheyletiella It can be transmitted to people. The veterinarian will treat this pathology of the skin of the cat with antibiotics.

    Cynotis, a problem of the skin of the ear of the cat

    The otitis or inflammation ear pain is the main symptom of a feline who suffers cynotis. The most vulnerable are the puppies of cat Street. His mother, also infected, transmits them parasites, it staying in the ear, through your milk.

    Medicines to combat the otitis (antibiotic and anti-inflammatory), as well as antiparasite products, they are used to treat this disease.

    Cat scab, a skin problem

    The demodecic scabies It is unusual in cats and is not contagious for people, It is a disease that develops through a parasite (mite) that we have in skin, both cats and people. This mite is triggered when the animal is sick and defences do not work at full capacity.

    Another type of scabies that is more common in cats is the call sarcoptic mange, that occurs when the hygiene conditions of the feline are inadequate. This scabies symptoms itch, redness and peeling. And, When the disease is advanced, a peculiar and unpleasant smell on the skin of the cat.

    Cancer in the skin of the cat

    Cancerous diseases cause cat skin wounds, irritations and infections. It is the case of tumors, you need cancer treatment. These pathologies, However, they are most common in older cats.

    Three tips for healthy skin of the cat

    1. “Food is fundamental to the feline to have healthy skin“, ensures Cristina Serrano, Veterinary specialist in cats. “It is recommended a I think of high-end, Rico in omega fatty acids 3 and 6, that keeps the skin of the cat-shaped”, indicates.

    2. Internal and external deworming is a fundamental issue to prevent infections, irritations and wounds in the skin of the cat.

    3. The ingestion of malta by the cat helps to avoid hair balls you are in your stomach due to grooming. Malt is also available with omega fatty acids additive 3 and 6, “What helps keep the cat healthy and shiny coat”,
